Corinth Summer School 2024

21-25 October 2024

Theme: Strain mapping for the characterization and prevention of geohazard events

Geo-INQUIRE is offering a summer school in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) for PhD Students, PostDocs and Early Career Scientists from the fields of Solid Earth Science. Three days of lectures will be followed by a one day field trip to the Perachora Peninsula, site of the 1981 M6.7 and M6.4 earthquakes ( ).

The school will take place in Kalamaki Beach Resort ( ).
“Geodesy applied to the study of GeoHazards” is the main focus of the summer school that is organized jointly by NOA (Athanassios Ganas) & CNRS (Anne Socquet). Invited speakers and Geo-INQUIRE experts ( ) will provide a high-level program ( ), showcasing several Geo-INQUIRE services in hands-on sessions.
We aim to make the summer school an inclusive event, so special attention will be given to female applications and applications from widening, associated countries and the outermost regions as defined in the EU regulations.
The school’s topics include GNSS and INSAR time series analysis, new instruments and emerging topics in monitoring faults (Near Fault Observatories etc.), strain rate computation, fault inversion modelling, and multidisciplinary applications to different fields (earthquakes, active tectonics, volcanoes, underground storage monitoring, hydrology, landslides). Scientists of other disciplines (seismology, modelling, geological – natural hazards) who are (interested in) integrating strain in their approaches would also be invited.

For successful applicants the school will cover the following expenses: hotel accommodation, transport to/from Athens international airport, welcome reception, meals, coffee breaks, conference dinner,  field trip and conference material.
Attendees will have to book tickets to Athens and pay in advance. After successful participation, travel costs could be reimbursed up to a maximum of 400€.

  • Hotel:
    The hotel only offers double rooms with single beds, so participants (of the same gender) will have to share rooms.
  • Transportation to/from the venue:
    • Bus departure from Athens international airport on Mon, 21st of Oct. at approx. 3pm local time
    • Bus arrival at Athens international airport on Sat, 26th of Oct. at approx. noon local time (please do not book flights leaving before 2pm)
    • if you cannot make the bus, you have to organize your own transportation, there is a train running  from Athens airport to Corinth railway station and vice versa (  Transfer via Kato Acharnai train station)

This school is open to scientists (PhD students and above) from Solid Earth Science with a strong interest in the school’s topics.
You should have basic programming skills and computing knowledge and user level Linux skills are required.
Students will have to bring their own laptops.
The school lectures will be given in English.
Please apply here: .
All applications will have to provide a motivation letter.
Successful candidates will have to provide abstracts through the Easy Chair platform and bring a printed poster to the school to present their work.
If you have special dietary requirements or need special assistance please get in touch with the organizers ( ).
Please also get in touch if you need help to apply for a visa.
11.07.2024: Close Registration (23:59 CEST)

15.07.2024: Notification to applicants

31.07.2024: Abstracts due (in Easy Chair) and confirmation of attendance

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